Dialogue about “ARDMORE HOUSE”
Alison Von Glinow, Lap Chi Kwong and Wonne Ickx
October 21, 2020
On October 21, 2020, an online conversation about the “ARDMORE HOUSE” by Kwong Von Glinow took place between Alison Von Glinow, Lap Chi Kwong and Wonne Ickx.
As a non-profit organization LIGA has been promoting emerging Latin-American architects for almost 10 years now. But, being so close to the US, we cannot not avoid taking a peep over the wall to see what’s happening in our neighboring country. And talking about neighbors what better topic to discuss than the private house. Especially, in COVID times, our domestic space is the place where we all have spend unfortunately too much time … And so, in a first series of five 30-minute conversations –organized with the support of Panel Rey– we will discuss one single residential project by outstanding architectural practices from the US.