Studio Visit: Melanie Smith Studio

Interludes 27

Studio Visit: Melanie Smith Studio
Guide: Melanie Smith
April 28, 2016

During the tour, Melanie Smith said: “A studio produces a certain fascination if you are not an artist, but if you are an artist, it is a complicated place that is very much yours. It is a place of material exploration where at the same time, the manual is disappearing. My studio has been in the San Pedro de los Pinos neighborhood since 2007. It is a house from the fifties that I bought from a big lady, the only other owner of the place. We are now two women. I used to have a small garden in the back but in 2010 I remodeled it to make a studio for painting or projecting video. I work with assistants but the best time is when they leave in the afternoon and I am left alone with the day’s projects. It’s the time I really start thinking”.

ABOUT STUDIO INTERLUDES: How does architectural space influence artistic production and vice-versa? This is the question to be examined by means of a series of visits to the homes and studios of leading Mexican artists. Each event literally evolves in situ, with a specific character arising from the personality of the space visited, and of the person who inhabits it. This series establishes a conceptual link between the traditional journeys made by modern architects to visit emblematic works from antiquity, and the contemporary practice of studio visits.