Dialogue between Sam Auinger, Pablo Kobayashi and Pablo Padilla

Interludes 31

Sam Auinger, Pablo Kobayashi and Pablo Padilla
May 10, 2016

As a part of the sonic art project Between Limits, the Goethe Institute in Mexico City and Singuhr Projects of Berlin invited the composer and Austrian sonic artist Sam Auinger to participate in an artistic research residence from mid April to mid May 2016 in Mexico City. The first event of the Threefold Interludes is the completion of this stay. Sam Auinger will establish a dialogue with architect Pablo Kobayashi and composer Pablo Padilla, combining the talk with sonic demonstrations.

ABOUT THREEFOLD INTERLUDES. The Threefold Interludes series aims to transform the traditional conference format of a speaker facing an audience by using a non-hierarchical conversation structure involving at least three participants who provide feedback to each other in real time. In turn they intend to explore different spatial and program arrangements that motivate alternative dynamics of discussion. In this regard, LIGA seeks to foster an innovative format for each occasion, with the aim of expanding the spectrum of possibilities and involving all those present.