LIGA 01: Pezo Von Ellrichshausen (Chl-Arg)

No More, No Less

LIGA 01: Pezo Von Ellrichshausen (Chl-Arg)

No More, No Less

LIGA 01: Pezo Von Ellrichshausen
No More, No Less
April – July 2011

For LIGA’s opening exhibition, the chilean-argentine studio Pezo von Ellrichshausen inserts a museum at a 1:10 scale into the exhibition space. Inside the twelve rooms of the imagined square space, using models and large scale drawings and photos, they show twelve projects illustrating the studio’s work.

These range from typological studies between art and architecture to built residential projects. No More No Less revisists notions of structural clarity, formal unity and typological repetition, all of which are present in the monolithic and enigmatic objects that compose their oeuvre. The representation of architecture in scale (through photos, models and 1:20 drawings) inside the “mother-model,” generates a double reduction that speaks to a problematic inherent to architecture: the exhibition as representation of an absent object and architecture itself as the representation of yet another thing.


Photography: Ramiro Chaves

No more, no less by Ruth Estévez