LIGA 35: Infraestudio (CUB)

In your mind

LIGA 35: Infraestudio (CUB)

In your mind

LIGA 35: Infraestudio
In your mind
September – December 2022

For the first time LIGA shows the work of a Cuban architecture office: Infraestudio. The studio, founded and directed by Anadis González and Fernando Martirena, addresses the various challenges of its daily practice, including the job insecurity faced in Cuba where private architecture is illegal. Despite the obstacles, Infraestudio has developed a provocative array of built work that intertwines proposals linked to artistic practices.

Infraestudio’s exhibition “In your mind” hosted by LIGA is a show that relinquishes the materiality of architecture to attain an imaginary dimension closer to the the realm of words. Infraestudio proposes an architecture of ideas which becomes—in their own words—an Idealist Architecture whose constructions do not depend on reality to exist. The exhibition-comprises eight works that materialize solely through narrative. Founded on ideas, the pieces create an architecture, disembodied and antisensory, designed to be built in our mind, that has as many forms as readers.


Photography: Arturo Arrieta

End of project by Osdany Morales