LIGA 39: TANAT (Mex)

Writing a Landscape

Fotografía: Diego Rivero Borrell

Fotografía: Diego Rivero Borrell

Fotografía: Diego Rivero Borrell

Fotografía: Diego Rivero Borrell

LIGA 39: TANAT (Mex)

Writing a Landscape

LIGA 39: TANAT (Mex). Writing a Landscape
May – October, 2024

TANAT is a multidisciplinary project founded in 2019 by Mexican architect Diego Rivero Borrell, whose practice joins architecture, art, and research. Within this last category, the office has developed a deep interest in the radical modification of cities and the scarcity of natural resources caused by systemic processes of colonization and extractivism.

The exhibition “Escribir un paisaje” (Writing a Landscape) emerges from these concerns. The water –an element that has been particularly invisible during Modernity both in urban planning and in domestic space– becomes the center of the proposal. Through a mysterious circuit of canals and deposits made from recycled elements, TANAT composes a landscape to activate an oneiric and, at the same time, a thoughtful game in which the times and discursivities are overlapped: Is it memory, future, or simply a work of fiction?

The pieces in the intervention, with their strange scales, will mutate in LIGA’s space during the exhibition period. Like a natural landscape, TANAT’s proposal will grow organically expanding our imagination too.


This exhibition was made possible thanks to the support of  VIRARQ, Panel Rey, MARQ, LUTRON, Grupo Habita, Crest, Graham Foundation, and Gerdau Corsa.

Photography: Arturo Arrieta


And to think we are not the first earthly beings by Pedro Aparicio-Llorente